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The Arc of Hanover is the leading advocacy and service organization for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Hanover County. We provide direct services to Hanover County residents and assist many in the neighboring localities with information and referral.

We promote the inclusion of people with developmental disabilities in all aspects of community life and educate officials and the public about their needs. Managed by a volunteer board, The Arc of Hanover relies entirely on donors, fundraising events, and private grants, with no government funding.


The Arc of Hanover advocates for the rights and full participation of children and adults with intellectual and other developmental disabilities. Together with our members and affiliated chapters across the nation, we provide and improve systems of supports and services; connect families, inspire communities and influence public policy. People with developmental disabilities are valued as classmates, coworkers, neighbors and friends.

The Arc of Hanover is dedicated to promoting the welfare of individuals with developmental disabilities by developing services, encouraging research, and advising parents and caregivers. We strive to enhance public understanding, collaborate with various organizations, support State and National Arcs, and serve as a central information hub. Additionally, we actively fundraise and encourage the establishment of educational and habilitation services.


The Arc of Hanover has been serving individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families since 1974. The Arc of Hanover is a grassroots nonprofit organization started by families and concerned citizens. The Arc has grown and changed through the years to meet the needs of individuals and their families. The Arc of Hanover is one of nearly 700 Arc chapters nationally. 


The Arc of Hanover advocates on an individual, local, and state level. From attending IEP meetings and working with their case managers to attending local school board meetings and talking with Hanover County’s state senators and delegates to influence policies.

Resource Navigation

The Arc of Hanover assists individuals with developmental disabilities and their family members as they work to secure needed supports. This includes, but is not limited to preparing them for assessments, informing them of their rights, and helping them identify existing resources.

Information & Training

The Arc of Hanover encourages parents and staff who work with people with I/DD to learn about resources available to this population by providing training and / or scholarships for education opportunities. 

Community Supports

In collaboration with several local organizations, The Arc of Hanover provides recreation and respite as well as other events to promote socialization, health, and independence.


Katrina VanHuss


Stacey Murrell

Vice President

Tawna Hampton


Marty Wilson

Board Member

Sue Jeantheau

Eddie Patterson

Board Member

Brandi Friday


Unnamed Self-Advocate

Board Member

Board Member

Susan Broussard

Michelle Broussard

Sheryl Howard

Board Member

Board Member

Board Member


Diane Gallegos

Diane Gallegos

Executive Director

Leigh Rooke

Thrift Store Manager

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